- contour lines - skyline
- road markings - london underground
- wool/thread - leading
- books - tree's/nature
- dot-to-dot - airplane lines
- measuring tape - clock
- steps/staircase - architecture
- light - kaleidoscope
- bird migration - animal markings
- maze - layers of rock
- blueprints - spider webs
- Tea - Giraffe's
- Peas - Apple Products
- Clothes - Travelling
- Patterns - Music
- Burgundy - Olives
- Chinese Food - Summer Camps
- Green - Being tidy / clean
- Baths - Thunder/Lightning
- Kinder Eggs - Strawberry Fanta
- Jewellery - Cuddles
- 60's fashion - 80's music
- Illustration - Lake district
- Colour Theory - Vintage Photography
- Winter - Summer
- clocks, jewellery, photography
- maps, travelling, grid
- tree's, illustration, colour
- dot-to-dot, music, typography
- animal markings, patterns, colour
- maze, tidiness, grid
- kaleidoscope, jewellery, colour
- typography, strawberry fanta, anatomy of type
- architecture, vintage, photography
- books, clothes, publication
Refined chosen three...
- I will focus on the patterns of animal markings looking at colour
- I will look at famous logo's from bands and create dot-to-dot representations of their identities.
- I will study colour within nature and create illustrations based on my findings.
What is a line? (workshop)
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
by Lisa Collier
What is a line?
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