- InDesign is used for layout.
- InDesign is where you bring all your imagery and text together to produce your final piece for print
- The bleed is the area outside the document that allows for cutting error.
- The slug is a larger area than the bleed which is where we find the printers marks. For example, Colour palettes etc.
- One thing to consider when opening a new document in InDesign is the specific document settings.
- The bleed option allows for mistakes in trimming paper sizes after printing. Often if a layout requires imagery or a background colour to cover the entire area of the document, it has to be printed on bigger paper, and then trimmed down.
- The bleed option places a border around the document so that imagery etc can bleed out into that area and it will avoid errors in cutting after printing.
- The slug option places an area around the bleed area where printers marks are printed, such as trimming markers and ink tests.
Facing pages
- located near page numbers
- If it is checked then your layout on screen will place to pages next to each other in the format of a magazine layout
- How it will look once it is printed.
See below for how to create facing pages..
Reader Spreads;
- Images have to be prepared before adding them into InDesign.
Check list for Photoshop Images:
- 300 dpi
- colour mode has to be CMYK or greyscale
- TIFF or PSD files
- image size = actual size
Check list for Illustrator Images:
- colour mode has to be CMYK or greyscale
- AI (Illustrator file)
- Placing an image directly into InDesign
- Illustrator files can also be copied and pasted into an InDesign document instead of placing them which allows you to edit the image using the direct selection tool as you would in Illustrator.
- Images in InDesign aren't actually included in the InDesign document. Instead, a link between the document and the images has to be made.
- It works with low resolution previews to allow for layouts to be set up, yet at printing, InDesign will locate the images and use the full resolution versions.
- Below are the images I produced from the session experimenting with type, layout, image and colour.
^^ 'W' key allows us to preview a piece of work
^^ This above is the original document without the preview
^^ A close up shot to show how I have experimented with layering image on type with structure.