How to make a Paper Airplane.

After further feedback, Amber suggested that we go back to the drawing board, create more research and re-think our target audience to something less obvious than children. Lisa Burns came up with a really promising idea last night. Our new proposal was to create an iPhone app, which focuses our brief at an older target audience - young adults upwards. The app will still reflect our original 'How to..' looking at 'How to make a paper airplane'. 

We will create a messaging service where the customer can design their own event and invitation for an event in the form of a 'digital' paper airplane. Their will be different options, icons to add to your invitation, a choice of colour as well as a choice of text and type. This will allow people to personalise an invite which will be sent to a receiver in a similar way to SMS messaging. 

Here are some design sheets with rough inspirations for our new idea:

[design sheets]

Tuesday, 6 December 2011 by Lisa Collier
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