Theory into Practice // Revised Statement of Intent

After discussing this brief with Jo, she advised that I reconsider my idea and focus it more on context that we have already studied during this module. As I really enjoyed both the modernism and postmodernism lectures I decided to focus on these. I had a greater understanding of postmodernism than modernism as I studied this in detail for my essay so I decided as time is rapidly running out fast I would use my current knowledge as a benefit and base my Theory into Practice module on these topics.

Create visual awareness of the understand and simple meanings of modernism and postmodernism to other design students. I will be producing this through the format of producing a small publication and a series of postcards that use quotes about modernism and postmodernism and I'm some ways vaguely describe the meaning of the two words. I will try to use current designers as my sources of material for the quotes that will go onto the postcard designs. 

To come up with this new revised statement of intent for this brief I took elements fro my original idea. I initially planned to produce a series of quotes that I found inspirational by other famous designers, these would then be published into a small zine or book format that would be bound together. My new revised solutions takes the idea of 'quotes' as I wanted to experiment more with type and also the idea of the publication as this is something I had never experimented with before and I felt this was the opportunity to learn something new. However, my idea is now much more focused as I have a strong theme that relates directly to content that we have learnt and studied previously for this module.

I shall be producing 2 series of 8 postcards (16 in total) as well as a publication which incorporates my previous postcard designs. These will be based on content that I find through research based on the postmodern and modernist movements. I will focus more heavily on the postmodern styles as I have a greater knowledge and understanding of this already and a greater interest, however the two contrast nicely together and will work well. 

The main content of my publication will stem from my essay based on Postmodernism and I will also be researching quotes based on both modernism and postmodernism to incorporate in with and compliment the essay content. The two strips of 8 postcards based on modernism and postmodernism will also follow a 'form follows function' format, where the postcards will be cut down by the target audience for the modernist series and for the postmodernist designs it will be torn to represent postmodernist movements.

My audience will be future students to the course as this will help them gain a greater understanding of modernism and postmodernism and the link and contrast between the two movements, it will also be aimed at people who have an interest in both modernism and postmodernism.

The designs will carry a very 'young' feel using mainly black and white for the content to give a very sleek appearance with one image in colour in the publication to draw attention to the focal topic of the essay. To create consistency I will maintain this throughout all my three designs. 

Sunday 13 May 2012 by Lisa Collier
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