For this specific crit session the entire year groups work was placed into groups of the same word, for example all of the typefaces that represented the word 'layer' were placed together. With everyone from our group we then critiqued another groups work anonymously. As pairs within the groups we first discussed the work generally before selecting a serious of 5 criteria by which we would analyse the whole series of work as a large group again. We then looked at the body of letterforms created and viewed them as individual letterforms and not sets or series' which was what the initial brief required. By a process of elimination we began to remove any work that did not fulfil our criteria (for example; legibility, composition etc) until the group of letterforms was narrowed down to 5 final letterforms.
The work that I created in response to this brief worked as a series. My worked represented the word 'layers' and I tried to take a more unique approach. I got really good feedback from the crit as people liked how I had 'literally' layered uppercase and lowercase fonts on top of one another to create a new typeface. Although they worked as a series in the sense that I did the same technique to all of the letters, they were individual in the sense that each typeface of uppercase and lowercase, to create the new letterform was a different font. I feel this worked well however crit feedback allowed me to realise that others felt the whole 10 final letterforms should have originated from one basic original typeface. Overall I got really positive feedback from the crit and two of my letters made it into the final 5 for the word 'layer'. I learnt from the crit session that although you make look at your own work one way and completely understand how it relates to the initial brief others may interpret it differently and feel it doesn't relate as directly. Finally, my work was deemed successful as a series and as individual pieces by the assessment team who were analysing my letterforms.
Alphabet Soup Crit

Saturday, 19 November 2011
by Lisa Collier
Alphabet Soup,
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