What is a line? // Card Designs

Here is my progression in producing some of my 'route cards'. These will be released with this weeks editions of 'Walker's Weekly', and the audience will respond to these by hopefully using them as inspiration to visit the lake district or take up walking. 

I am really happy with the overall designs, I think they are simple and work well as a series. If I was to have more time I would have liked to complete each of the walks myself (having only completed two over the easter break). I would also use more detailed maps. 

I created these simple maps as a guide using Adobe Illustrator - I tried to keep them as basic as possible because this is supposed to be a beginners guide but also taking into consideration the size of the cards - it would be very difficult to produce a detailed map on such a small scale and still make it legible.

Saturday 14 April 2012 by Lisa Collier
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