'Your Choice' Proposal Pitch

What are you going to do?
I will take my initial brief 'Proverbally yours' and research further into different proverbs finding 10 that inspire me personally. I want to experiment with different techniques that I haven't had to opportunity to explore fully yet. I hope to produce a series of 10 simple screen prints using the 2 colour limitations from the original 'Proverbally Yours' brief. I have decided to keep this brief as simple as possible, as changing my idea so late on has only allowed me 2 weeks to produce an entire brief before the deadline. I hope to experiment with both time and image and work with the two together, effectively.

My audience will be young professionals who find inspiring proverbs and quotes interesting and motivational. I will be producing a series that will suit the theme of similar designs on websites like 'notonthehighstreet.com'. If I was to take my brief live and sell my prints I could sell them on this website and similar ones also. 

Why are you going to do it?
I am choosing to create a series of 10 prints inspired by different proverbs because I found working with proverbs really inspiring myself, and I feel that I would have liked to have more flexibility with the 'Proverbally Yours' brief working with different proverbs rather than the one proverb given to us by the randomiser. I also wish to experiment with screen printing and feel that this would be the perfect opportunity to do so.

How will you improve it?

I am hoping to improve the brief by giving myself the opportunity to experiment further, and to gain greater knowledge of proverbs. I will be able to relate this to an audience of my choice and also choose a different colour theme, that suits each chosen proverb respectively. 

Monday 30 April 2012 by Lisa Collier
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